The Multilingual Monster
Exploring translingual Arts
Our new project "The Multilingual Monster" (starting in April 2018) gives young multilingual people from Freiburg the chance to artistically express and explore their own cultural and linguistic diversity from a new perspective.
During the project, the participants worked together with experienced artists from Berlin (Elena Kaludova and Marc Pospiech) to create a multilingual monster: a demonic creature that embodies the multidimensionality of multilingualism. The project aimed to enable the participants to visualize their own perception of being multilingual. read more
Artists involved in the project
Elena Kaludova
born on 05.03.1982 in Burgas, Bulgaria
lives and works in Berlin
"In my works the text takes often a prominantly place as in it I search for parallels between literalness and hidden meaning. I choose the freedom to mix and use different means of expression, because it gives me the opportunity to be more exact in adressing issues that concern me."
Marc-Oliver Pospiech
born on 31.03.1976 in Berlin, Germany
lives and works in Berlin
"A distinguishing feature of my works is the use of space, visual metaphers, symbolic language and allegories as well as heterogeneous materials to create narration and to invite the audience to reflect and to search for the hidden, complex meaning I wish to convey."
InBetween: Multilingual Identities

In this particular field of our work, we aim to explore the ambivalent and multilayered identities of multilingual individuals, whose switching between cultures and languages is an everyday issue. For this purpose, we closely collaborate with various artists from the field of translingual and multilingual arts.